Chopping wood, zen discipline, rugged living...
Peter E. Tasciotti, grew up American, raised in New York, public school, thinker, researcher, the legal person, official, blog via himself, family, friends, supporters. Bio, autobiography, identity history background experiences friends Where he is from what he thinks who he is related to FAQ
Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac... : The documentary, true life story of Michelle Novacich...
Chopping wood, zen discipline, rugged living...
If you say that Time does not exist, it is as if you are saying God the creator does not exist. That is the usual, old atheist trap.
In Latin: Si dicis tempus non esse, quasi dicas Deum creatorem non esse. id est usitatius, vetulae athei laquei.