Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac...

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac... : The documentary, true life story of Michelle Novacich...

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Peter E. Tasciotti and how I got into Movies


Tasciotti movies… but Why?

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to do a search for Peter Tasciotti books

It is easy to do a simple search, since I recently found out the precise link to conduct the search, technically!  Click the link below:

Search for Peter Tasciotti books

Also try a general search (works on any browser)

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy...

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy...:


"Sir Edmund the Strange"

Appearing in a documentary of Truth

This unique character goes by the name of "Sir Edmund the Strange". He has been knighted by himself, because he is some kinda royalty (Sarcasm intended?)  But Tasciotti aka. Agaman (sp.Ahgamen) has known Edmund Haffmans as a friend for about 30 years, since the early 1990's!  That's a long-time however of late, there is some strife.  Before we get into that legal scenario, let's watch the movie and get some background.  Starting with the fact that Tasciotti has frequently over the years rendered hard-labor for Edmund Haffmans without monetary compensation.  In other words, factually speaking and definitely a statement of truth - Haffmans has gladly used the physical work and skilled services of Tasciotti (carpenter, builder, artist) on multiple occasions and at multiple locations/job-sites for NO MONETARY COMPENSATION, meaning that Haffmans did not pay anything, he paid no money to Tasciotti.  This was according to the spiritual principles of Tasciotti, as you can observe and listen to within the first ten minutes of this video - the Convo between Tasciotti and Reverend Carol Antun.  What Tasciotti was rendering in work and labor (legally not known as EMPLOYMENT) was also a part of an endearing friendship between himself and Edmund Haffmans.  This was not an arrangement which was intended to be then disrepected nor taken-advantage-of by Haffmans who, after all is said and done... well you can watch all the documentary material and decide for yourself!  Many more videos to be released for your edification. EDification! 

All rights reserved, under First Amendment and N.Y.State "one party consent legal statute"



Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Debut of Convos with Agaman aka Tasciotti - series

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Debut of Convos with Agaman aka Tasciotti - series: "Convos with Agaman aka. Tasciotti" Dan from Boston in Burlington Vermont, Steve Moyer, Steve Moyers, Agaman, Ahgamen, Tasciotti  ...

Friday, November 12, 2021

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Film... the older Technology

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Film... the older Technology: FILM not video, movies, not digital It can be and now must be made into the form which can be used on the newer machines.  In other words, d...

Monday, November 1, 2021

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Announcing 2 new Movies

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Announcing 2 new Movies: Tasciotti Directore will announce these new movies now. Not that they are the only new ones "coming down the pike", but they will ...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Hippy Commune teaser

Time Itself essay by P.E. Tasciotti

also published, not exclusively, on

Time Itself

Off the top of my head on 2021, October 17, afternoon in Dutchess County, New York State. I ponder upon “Time Itself”. Time is a major part of our world, of the entire universe. Reality is based upon time itself, somehow. What is time if not one of the primary and fundamental forces which exist.

Humans are at the whim of time; we are merely mortals. Time flows and everything we do can be washed away in its flood. But if it is like water, consider this: water can hang in the clouds floating above, it can rain down into the land, and it can seep into the houses we live. However, time permeates everything, everywhere. It doesn’t have to rain or drip or soak in — time is already there, always all-pervasive. 

Time does proceed in one direction, which is forward time-flow. It exists as a moment; in other words, the present. It proceeds step by step as that moment gives way to the next, always, continuously. The next moment and any of them before we reach them, are colloquially called “the future”. If we think back upon the ones that were before the present moment, those are colloquially called “the past”. I have to ask, do these moments before or after actually exist? Because it seems that the only moment which definitely exists is the one right now. The future exists in our plans. The past exists in our memories. 

Can time ever be stopped? No. It is an absolute. Virtually and with altered consciousness, time can be stopped in the mind. That is the object of meditation, also known as Samadhi. Time is one of the most powerful things in all possibility. It is a greater concept beyond all others. Time is perceptible through any movement, even the most slightest and tiny. In fact, any and all motion is dependent and integral with time. It is the principle of relativity. If anything moves in relation to anything else, then time has been felt. 

The only way, I imagine, that time can be stopped is if nothing, absolutely nothing moves out of its place. That is impossible. It’s never going to happen. That would mean that the whole universe froze to absolute zero. Nothing moves, not even the infinite vibrations of the infinite atoms with all their trillions upon zillions of electrons and subatomic particles. Therefore, forget about it! We are required to accept time; we can merely work around it.

Time is an enigma. It is a mystery, declares MysterEy1.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Milkyy Media Syndicate LLC ~ keyboA.: Protesters movie linked

Milkyy Media Syndicate LLC ~ keyboA.: Protesters movie linked: Update on "Protesters" the movie On the site-menu, Protesters is now linked to its dedicated site.  Here are a few of the newer M...

Monday, May 31, 2021

Milkyy Media Syndicate LLC ~ keyboA.: David Knight documentary

Milkyy Media Syndicate LLC ~ keyboA.: David Knight documentary: This is the EnternetGlobal/ Milkyy Media Documentary of David Knight in Kingston, NY 2021 May 28.  It is raw, spontaneous, Not-in-a-studio, ...