Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac...

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac... : The documentary, true life story of Michelle Novacich...

Showing posts with label Civilogy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Civilogy. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Tasciotti movie director on


all the images which return upon google web search for Appleseed, Tasciotti circa 2020 october


I’ve heard of this website/platform over the past years. In my mind, it was associated with gab or quora or minds or blogger, but I was not sure as I filed it away in “things to do”. At this point, I’m going to explore and determine what the practicality is for my far-reaching goals. As you may or may not know I am developing Civilogia Instituto 

On a related note of public outreach, I started a profile (wowee!) on 

As far as content… this is merely an introduction. I won’t talk about politics, I refuse; even though it is obviously spewing out everywhere onto the interwebs. Some of us who are wiser, have the discipline to refrain from regurgitation and adding to the feeding frenzy. And so, that is how I will introduce myself and the way of being truly alternative and independent. 

Best regards,

Peter “appleseed” Tasciotti