Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac...

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac... : The documentary, true life story of Michelle Novacich...

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Showing posts with label corona virus. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Coming from a Family and Background of Medical Doctors

Yes that is my biography, from being surrounded by medical doctors at the start of my life, the story begins...  It was formative and influential.  Yet did I accept all of it as fact?  Noooo. I questioned it, I doubted it, I basically started to think about all of it.  Medical, medicine, what are they doing with that stuff?

So with that in mind, how I should be somebody with knowledge and insight, through a long and real experience of life, here is a pointer.  I am pointing you in the direction of this individual who is talking sense.  Do you what I mean by talk sense?  It means, telling it like it is, no B.S., no horse puckey.  So listen up and go to this doctor's website. Dr. Vernon Coleman