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Showing posts with label essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label essay. Show all posts

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Time Itself essay by P.E. Tasciotti

also published, not exclusively, on

Time Itself

Off the top of my head on 2021, October 17, afternoon in Dutchess County, New York State. I ponder upon “Time Itself”. Time is a major part of our world, of the entire universe. Reality is based upon time itself, somehow. What is time if not one of the primary and fundamental forces which exist.

Humans are at the whim of time; we are merely mortals. Time flows and everything we do can be washed away in its flood. But if it is like water, consider this: water can hang in the clouds floating above, it can rain down into the land, and it can seep into the houses we live. However, time permeates everything, everywhere. It doesn’t have to rain or drip or soak in — time is already there, always all-pervasive. 

Time does proceed in one direction, which is forward time-flow. It exists as a moment; in other words, the present. It proceeds step by step as that moment gives way to the next, always, continuously. The next moment and any of them before we reach them, are colloquially called “the future”. If we think back upon the ones that were before the present moment, those are colloquially called “the past”. I have to ask, do these moments before or after actually exist? Because it seems that the only moment which definitely exists is the one right now. The future exists in our plans. The past exists in our memories. 

Can time ever be stopped? No. It is an absolute. Virtually and with altered consciousness, time can be stopped in the mind. That is the object of meditation, also known as Samadhi. Time is one of the most powerful things in all possibility. It is a greater concept beyond all others. Time is perceptible through any movement, even the most slightest and tiny. In fact, any and all motion is dependent and integral with time. It is the principle of relativity. If anything moves in relation to anything else, then time has been felt. 

The only way, I imagine, that time can be stopped is if nothing, absolutely nothing moves out of its place. That is impossible. It’s never going to happen. That would mean that the whole universe froze to absolute zero. Nothing moves, not even the infinite vibrations of the infinite atoms with all their trillions upon zillions of electrons and subatomic particles. Therefore, forget about it! We are required to accept time; we can merely work around it.

Time is an enigma. It is a mystery, declares MysterEy1.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

I refuse to discuss Trump and Biden et alli


Greeting and good morning, Earthlings, good night, wherever you are. Oh this isn’t going out live, streaming? For historical purposes then, I greet you in whatever time reference, related with mine during the mid-Autumn of the secular year 2020 (which according to the sacred calendar of Keyboa-tribe is the old civilization). Currently, the corporate, corporeal nation of United States of America and the world at large are facing or enduring another Federal Executive branch change-over, known as the Presidential Election. However that is a misnomer, as it is peddled far and wide as a Voting event. There is a difference between electing and voting and I suggest you research that. 

I refuse to even mention anything about Trump or Biden, neither he nor the other one is the point of this article and for spiritual reasons. At this particular juncture of the Earth’s time-flow, we need to be aware of the looming crisis and to do something about it. The juncture is a crucial one for humanity and our future survival. As we become aware of such import, we will necessarily come to realize that descending into the U.S. political frenzy will only serve to distract us from true reality. The government politics is not reality, correctly it is “a reality show” fit for Television only, that “boob tube” that has as much reality and spirituality as a Slinky or a Big Wheels. 

I don’t want to hear about who you plan to vote for and how it makes you all giddy and helps you fight the goblins of the other side. This democratic farce is nothing more than compensation for the gnawing inadequacies of a pseudo-intellectual society in decline. We may as well devolve back into the feudalism which is still being peddled by the remaining, closet royals of the New World Order. They didn’t and still do not let the serfs vote and matter. Let them eat “cake” (or something unsweet replacing it). Political correctitude merely leads to an arrogant form of ignorance. 

The masses are trapped in a serfdom and even the highest echelon also exist as servants of a more insidious, systematic, carnal purgatory. The rulers are being ruled over by a shadowy, apocalyptic zombie Lord. This puppet-master is cunning and covert beyond belief, yet as pointed-out herein, does exist and does do the controlling, proven by vast circumstantial evidence. It’s most probably not due to an ancient, malicious satellite in orbit perpetually, like asteroids and planet X and reptillians; more of the clever lies which are being pushed, from the astronomical perspective.

I was raised under the fading glory of the mystique of JFK and RFK from the 1960’s into the 70’s. This memory of the American Camelot exuded an air of political and governmental fantasy land. The idea that they were champions and defenders, that they cared and were in touch with the needs of the poor, hungry masses. Perhaps more so than today, but how much can we rest on our laurels when our laurels were not strong enough anyhow, only the victims of nefarious, still-undefined forces. 

I conclude this essay now to do more important things, pressing matters of practical survival, and to enjoy the struggle for its own sake.