Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac...

Movies of Tasciotti, Director: Legend of Finchville: early life of Michelle Novac... : The documentary, true life story of Michelle Novacich...

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Johnny Depp | Amber Heard | Tasciotti on

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA: Nora Jones | Come Away With Me 20th Anniversary Li...

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA: Nora Jones | Come Away With Me 20th Anniversary Li...: Nora Jones Come Away With Me 20th Anniversary Livestream 1,616 watching now  Started streaming 67 minutes ago   

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA: Milky Way | Milkyy Movie | Scientific documentary ...

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ kyyboA: Milky Way | Milkyy Movie | Scientific documentary ...: Milky Way Milkyy Movie Chronocosmonomy TimeSpace waves   Just to give you an idea of the vast incredible research that has to be done to de...

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Peter E. Tasciotti and how I got into Movies


Tasciotti movies… but Why?

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to do a search for Peter Tasciotti books

It is easy to do a simple search, since I recently found out the precise link to conduct the search, technically!  Click the link below:

Search for Peter Tasciotti books

Also try a general search (works on any browser)

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy...

Milkyy Media Syndicate ~ keyboA.: Edmund Haffmans Home | Tasciotti Director | Milkyy...:


"Sir Edmund the Strange"

Appearing in a documentary of Truth

This unique character goes by the name of "Sir Edmund the Strange". He has been knighted by himself, because he is some kinda royalty (Sarcasm intended?)  But Tasciotti aka. Agaman (sp.Ahgamen) has known Edmund Haffmans as a friend for about 30 years, since the early 1990's!  That's a long-time however of late, there is some strife.  Before we get into that legal scenario, let's watch the movie and get some background.  Starting with the fact that Tasciotti has frequently over the years rendered hard-labor for Edmund Haffmans without monetary compensation.  In other words, factually speaking and definitely a statement of truth - Haffmans has gladly used the physical work and skilled services of Tasciotti (carpenter, builder, artist) on multiple occasions and at multiple locations/job-sites for NO MONETARY COMPENSATION, meaning that Haffmans did not pay anything, he paid no money to Tasciotti.  This was according to the spiritual principles of Tasciotti, as you can observe and listen to within the first ten minutes of this video - the Convo between Tasciotti and Reverend Carol Antun.  What Tasciotti was rendering in work and labor (legally not known as EMPLOYMENT) was also a part of an endearing friendship between himself and Edmund Haffmans.  This was not an arrangement which was intended to be then disrepected nor taken-advantage-of by Haffmans who, after all is said and done... well you can watch all the documentary material and decide for yourself!  Many more videos to be released for your edification. EDification! 

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